Teine Onsen “Honoka”
Teine Onsen Honoka is a day spa resort located near Sapporo Teine. Under the themes of “beauty” and “healing”, guests can enjoy a variety of relaxing facilities, including natural hot springs, open-air baths, saunas, stone saunas, and steam baths. Löyly is a sauna program passed down from ancient times in Finland which involves rapidly stimulating perspiration by pouring aromatic water over heated sauna stones and fanning the high temperature steam that is generated to create a hot air filled with a pleasant aroma. Why not enjoy a “rock Löyly sauna” that uses this method? What’s more, the “Sea of Clouds (Unkai) Rock Sauna”, which consists of a pleasant rock sauna surrounded by clouds of nano-mist, is only offered here in Hokkaido. Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with delicious meals available, the day-use fee is a low ¥1,100 on weekdays and ¥1,200 on weekends, holidays and special occasions.
Sapporo Area